Lan-Chiann Wu, Lantern Festival I, 1999, ink pigment on paper, 94.5x61cm
Enquire about Lan-Chiann Wu’s work
Hua Gallery is honoured
to delve into Qu
Leilei’s mind and share his thoughts about art.
Qu Leilei is
globally recognised as one of the founders of Contemporary Chinese Art and is
collected by prestigious museums such as The British Museum and Victoria and
Albert Museum, amongst others. He is currently exhibiting in our online
exhibition Silent
Revelations - Qu Leilei - The Great Master of Ink, curated by
London-based Contemporary Chinese Art Specialist, Dagmar
Carnevale Lavezzoli.
As an online platform with an exciting
exhibition programme for Contemporary Chinese Art, Hua Gallery through its
newsletter will keep you updated with the most relevant news in this
ever-evolving art space.
Hua Gallery in conversation with Qu Leilei
Art is essential in your life because… life is unthinkable
without it.
Your inspiration comes from... my life and my
time and the masterpieces history has given us.
The female body
plays an important role in your art because... it’s the most beautiful
thing in creation.
Artists from the past who deeply influenced
you include… the ancient Greek sculptors, Michelangelo and the
Renaissance, Cézanne and the Impressionists.
An artist from the
present you look up to is… Anselm Kiefer.
Three words
that best capture the essence of art for you are… concept, technique
and integrity.
Ink is an ancient medium still employed today
because… it’s timeless.
A recent art exhibition you have
enjoyed is… Ai Weiwei at the Royal Academy of Arts.
best city to appreciate art in is… London.
If you were
not an artist you would be… a writer.

Nude 2, 2008, 71x90cm, ink on paper
A thought you would like to share
The kind of man you are makes the kind of art you produce.
A good artist needs to be well-cultivated because great results come from lots of knowledge, study and hard work. The final art work is like the tip of an iceberg.
In my opinion, art should reflect its time and its people’s living in the here and now; it should set out to find and show a timeless quality, revealing the true meaning of human dignity.
As an artist I don’t want to be either Eastern or Western, likewise I don’t want to be neither of them; in actuality I want to be both.
Never follow what is fashionable, always be true to myself. Never compare with others, the only thing I need to surpass is myself.
If the artwork is either classic or contemporary that should never be a
means or measure to judge its value; its real weight should lie in whether
it is done well.
Qu Leilei

Qu Leilei in his studio
Gallery Artist, Sheng Qi, in ‘Body of Art’ by Phaidon
acclaimed artist Sheng Qi featured with great masters such as Picasso,
Duchamp, Pollock and Abramovich amongst many others.
Sheng Qi at Hua Gallery

is Chinese Contemporary Art important to collect today?
art collector Larry Warsh provides his insight about collecting in this most
fascinating space, Chinese Contemporary Art.
Larry Warsh on his approach to collecting

Art Museum opens in Wuzhen
The latest addition to the
boom in new museums burgeoning in China is located in a tranquil, picturesque
town of canals, Wuzhen, about two hours from Shanghai.
about the Chinese Museum Boom

Vacuum-Cleaner Artist turning Beijing’s Smog into Bricks
artist-activist, Nut Brother (real name is Wang Renzheng) attempts to defeat
toxic smog by sucking it up through a black plastic nozzle.
more about Nut Brother’s project